
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stake Girls Camp

Girls Camp Theme
"Heroes with Super Powers"

"and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." 
1 Nephi 14:14

Each ward has been assigned a value that will serve as a 'mini theme' for our camp.

our theme is:

Divine Nature

our ward color is 'Blue' 

1 Peter 1: 4-7
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

As we are preparing for girls camp let's all think about our Divine Natures and how this knowledge shapes who we are and how we act. 

Here is a quote from  President Gordon B. Hinckley found here.

“Woman is God’s supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed … and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman created; and only then was the work pronounced complete and good.

“Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so, who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth” (“Our Responsibility to Our Young Women,” Ensign, September 1988, 11).

“Live up to the great and magnificent inheritance which the Lord God, your Father in Heaven, has provided for you. Rise above the dust of the world. Know that you are daughters of God, children with a divine birthright. Walk in the sun with your heads high, knowing that you are loved and honored, that you are a part of his kingdom, and that there is for you a great work to be done which cannot be left to others” (“Live Up to Your Inheritance,” Ensign, November 1983, 84)."

I just love that quote! Doesn't it just make you want to yell 'girl power!' Remember, you are all daughters of God with a divine birthright! I love that last paragraph where it says "Walk in the sun with your heads high, knowing that you are loved and honored, that you are part of His kingdom, and that there is for you a great work to be done which cannot be left to others"

Here is a little quote I found on pinterest that I thought was cute and ties in with our divine natures:

Have a great week girls, We will see you on Tuesday!

~Sister Koeven

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


ATTENTION CAMPERS! You have received your Secret Sister assignment! Here are a few reminders: 1. You can spend up to $5.00! 2. Prepare 'secrets' for each of the 4 days of camp (Mon.-arrive, Tues., Wed., Thurs.-depart)! 3. You can buy stuff, make stuff, do service stuff, write stuff, any surprise stuff at all! 4. There will be a Secret Sister area at camp that you can sneakily 'deliver' your secret goodies to your sister. 5. If you need help or ideas, let me (Sister Bagwell) know! I'm full of secrets to share with you! GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN! Warmly, Sister Bagwell

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hope you all make it to Mutual this Tuesday!

We have something super fun for you to do!!

Bet you can't guess what it is :)

See you there!

Book of Mormon Challenge

Hello Girls, 

Hope you all are enjoying these beautiful early summer days!! I know I am!

 How is your Book of Mormon Challenge going?

I confess I got a little behind last week, but I have spent the last couple of days catching up. I have to say, I've read it before...a couple of times...but as I've been reading it now, during this challenge, I am really getting it! I am understanding the context of things that are happening, such as how the different groups of people left the Nephites, how they fell away from God and were persecuted by the Lamanites, and then because they turned their faith back to God, they were able to escape the Lamanites and return to the Nephites in the city of Zarahemla. There was a lot of things going on at that time in a lot of different places (if you pay attention to the dates at the bottom of the pages it helps!)--- I never realized that before!  Before I struggled just to understand one verse and I didn't realize how everything tied together. Now, I am understanding the whole history, and it has been so much more fun to study and read!!

   I am so grateful for this challenge, and I hope that you all keep reading even if you're like me and you don't understand everything....the more you read, the more you will understand and the closer you will get to our Heavenly Father!! I know this to be true!
So keep reading! No matter how behind you are, the important thing is you keep reading!

Happy Sunday!

Sister Koeven