
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Super Fun with Super Powers!

Well, I think we all had a blast at girls camp!!! 
Now that we have had a little time to recover, I have a few photos to post!!
We didn't take a lot of photos, but we covered a few of the highlights.
 Redneck S'mores!
It was so hot that our bag of marshmallows had completely melted into a brick! The girls got creative and figured out how to make some S'mores in spite of the set back. They spread out all of the marshmallow on a pan, stuck pieces of chocolate bars through out and then set the pan in the fire to roast the marshmallow. Then they dipped with their graham crackers. We thought they were pretty brilliant!!

Getting Ready for Skit Night
The girls created their skit and their costumes all on their own!
It was super cute! We were VERY impressed with their skit!
 Minion- Rylee
Mega Mind - Hailey

Thor- Becca
(We loved the hairy chest!)
 Hulk- Allyson
Batman - Megan
 Princess Divine Nature - Jessica
Wreck it Ralph - Avery

Sister Ealey provided the girls with candy bombs, capes, and masks to use to 'bomb' the other camps. 
The girls looked so cute, and they had a great time!
Only one camp fought back....
...with water balloons! 

We want to thank Sister Oviatt for making these amazing capes!! And also Sister Walker for the glow sticks!

Camp Ho Nok was fun! The girls got to participate in all kinds of activities, like rock climbing, shooting guns and arrows, throwing knives and hatchets, identifying animal skins, and other fun games!

This pretty much sums it all up right here...
Girls camp wasn't a success unless they all pass out in the car on the way home!! 
 We want to send a big thank you to the Stake for creating such a fun camp!!

We all had a blast!
Let's all remember that we have Divine Nature within us, and each possess Super Powers that will help us through any challenge that comes our way in life and will also help us achieve any goal we set for ourselves!

You are all amazing Young Woman!
We love you all!

~Sis Koeven

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