
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tuesday Oct 1 meet at tabernacle at 6:30!

Come Stand and Sit 
~      and Have a Picnic      ~
in a Holy Place!

Tuesday October 1, 2013
6:30 PM

Meet at the Stake Center

Dress Warm!!!!

Dinner with be provided by Sister Ealey

Also, bring your Personal Progress Book and be willing to share what you've learned about integrity by completing Value Experience Integrity #3. We can sign your books then. 

This is going to be a really special experience and we look forward to seeing you all there!!

Sis K

Personal Progress

Thanks Sister Jensen for a great lesson on Personal Progress and how it can greatly enrich our lives, and help build a strong foundation of values in the gospel! We are so blessed to have this program that allows us to continually improve ourselves, grow closer to the Savior, and be a more Christ-like people.

Also, thanks for giving us a great head-start on Value Experience Integrity #3!
All we need to do to finish this Value Experience is:

1. Read Genesis 39
2. Read the Book of Esther
3. Read Daniel chapter 6
4. Read Acts 26

Then write in your journal about how these people demonstrated integrity (being true to who they really are), especially when it was not easy or popular or endangered their lives. Then when we meet on Tuesday at the Temple grounds, we can discuss your feelings about it to finish this Value Experience.

There is a lot of reading with this one, but I know you girls can do it. These are wonderful examples of how to be true to the knowledge the we are Daughters of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places, and that the Lord will deliver us and help us through anything as long as we stay true to that knowledge and keep our integrity!!! This is my testimony to you all, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Love you all,
Sis Koeven

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mutual this Tuesday

Homemade Goldfish Crackers

Mia Maids and Laurels: 
Cooking Night

Friday, September 13, 2013

YW in Excellence Nov 10th

Young Women In Excellence
November 10th

Just a friendly reminder to let all the girls and mom's know that we are planning YW in Excellence for November 10th.

What is it? It's where you get to show off all your hard work you've done in Personal Progress this year to your parents! (YAY!)

Each girl will need to choose one of their 10 hour projects to display and tell about at YW in Excellence Night. If you haven't completed a 10 hour project yet, no worries! Just choose one of the value's that you have passed off and show and tell us about that!

It will be fun to see and hear about all of the neat things you girls have been working on this year!!  

So keep this in the back of your mind. You should have plenty of time to have something done by then!

Thanks girls!
~Sis Koeven

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mutual Tonight!

~Mutual Tonight~

Beehives: Stuffed Animal Party!
Bring your favorite stuffed animals to show and tell

Mia Maids and Laurels: Blindfolded Make Up Challenge!
 This will be super fun!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Theme

"Consider on the blessed and happy state of those who keep the commandments of God" 
                                                                               ~Mosiah 2:41

The Theme for the month of September is: Commandments

I found a really great article on the youth page of titled "Steps to Happiness" that explains the role of the Lord's commandments in our lives. It is short, simple, and to the point, well worth the read! And girls, if you aren't visiting the youth page of, I recommend it. It's a great resource for you to learn more about the gospel principals that you are being taught this year! Here is a paragraph from the article, but I recommend you reading the article in full here.

"At times, some people get confused, thinking that the commandments are restrictions or limitations that complicate life, that take away opportunities or happiness or the pleasures of life. In reality, the commandments protect us and guide us to happiness. They are not to restrict but rather to make possible—to allow us to achieve in this life and in the next—what we truly desire and what our Heavenly Father, who loves us, wants for us."

~Sis K

Tuesday Night

When we're helping we're happy and we sing as we go!
(Tra la la la la!)
Don't forget to be at the church at 6:30 this Tuesday to help clean the building!

Then we will all head over for a fun night of bowling!!


Beehives Blindfolded Makeovers

Sorry for the delay in getting these photos up here!! I was trying to figure out how to do a separate page for all the photos, but alas, I give up!  So anyway, here are the long awaited photos from our fun Blind Folded Makeovers night with the Beehives!

The girls had a blast, but we decided they are far more beautiful with out makeup!!

~Sis K