
Friday, September 13, 2013

YW in Excellence Nov 10th

Young Women In Excellence
November 10th

Just a friendly reminder to let all the girls and mom's know that we are planning YW in Excellence for November 10th.

What is it? It's where you get to show off all your hard work you've done in Personal Progress this year to your parents! (YAY!)

Each girl will need to choose one of their 10 hour projects to display and tell about at YW in Excellence Night. If you haven't completed a 10 hour project yet, no worries! Just choose one of the value's that you have passed off and show and tell us about that!

It will be fun to see and hear about all of the neat things you girls have been working on this year!!  

So keep this in the back of your mind. You should have plenty of time to have something done by then!

Thanks girls!
~Sis Koeven

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