
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conference was Soooo Great!

Hello lovely ladies!
I hope you all enjoyed conference as much as I did.
It was amazing!!

The Prophet himself said...
 Isn't that Amazing!!!

There are so many wonderful and inspired messages for us!
I encourage you all to read/watch/review as many of these talks as you can during the next six months (and more!). And share them with everyone you can!!! I'd like to see your facebook pages flooded with messages from this conference!!!

Did anyone else see this today?
I thought it was soooo sweet!
That little boy will never forget it!

And doesn't every woman want her husband to love her and cherish her as much as President Monson loves is sweet wife!
This is the happily ever after we all wish for you girls...a beautiful eternal marriage!!!

 Aren't they sooo cute!

 Ladies, the gospel is true! Love it. Live it. Share it!

I am looking forward to sharing lots of quotes from conference from here on out!!!

If any of you have anything you would like to share on the blog about conference whether it be a quote, your testimony or impressions, or anything at all, we would love to here from you!!!

Love you all
~Sis Koeven

P.S. -I find all these wonderful photos and quotes via pinterest if anyone ever wonders. Thanks to all those talented people out there who take the time to create such amazing and beautiful works of art and inspiration!!

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