
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome to the Young Women Blog!

Welcome to the Afton 2nd Ward
Young Women's Blog!

For those of you who are just seeing this for the first time, Welcome!!
 For the rest of you, we are glad you are here! 
I just wanted to take a few minutes and refresh to everyone how this blog works:

This is a Blog for the Young Women and their parents.
We as a Presidency hope to use it as a way to 

-stay informed of upcoming activities and events
-let you know what is happening at mutual
-share photos and inspirations
-share what we've just passed off in personal progress
-share our testimonies
-share church talks and videos

But mostly, we want to get to know you girls better!!
What movie's or book's are you loving right now? share it!
Did you learn a new joke? share it!
Did you play in a sports game? share it!
 Did you participate in a talent show? share it!
Whatever your hobbies or talents are, 
we'd like to see you in action here!
What 10 hour project did you just finish? share it!
Have a testimony? share it here!
Learn something new while reading the scriptures? share it!
Took a silly picture together? share it!

This is your blog, and we want to hear all about you!

All you need to do to share stories, photos, jokes, favorites, testimonies, or anything that tickles your fancy, is email Sister Koeven. She will then transfer the words you type and the photos you attach to a blog post. 
This is exciting stuff!!
I can't wait to see and hear from all of you!!!
And, hopefully you'll get to see and hear
 from your YW leaders as well, hint, hint.

To Parents, if you would like to share something with the girls here, that would just make my day!! We'd love to hear from you as well!

I have really enjoyed serving you amazing ladies in 
Young Women's!
This is a brand new year and I am looking forward 
to many more super awesome times together!
especially here on the blog!!

Have a great week!
Sister Koeven

PS you should all have my email address on the contacts list from Sister Allred. If not, please let me know and I will gladly get it to you!! 

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